
StudBuddis a website developed for ICS 314 Software Engineering, using Meteor, React and Semantic UI. For our final project we were grouped into teams of three or four to work on building a functioning website that can benefit the local student community. StudBudd’s goal is to help students connect with fellow students who are proficient in a subject field and peers studying similar topics.

The final project was partitioned into three milestones. Milestone one was focused on a functional aesthetic landing page that users would first be created with, along with a few non functional mockup pages. I was incharge of the navigation bar at the top, and the mockup pages - some with restricted access depending on the role the user is signed in as.

Milestone two only really specified the need for increased functionality, so we constructed collections and focused on being able to add to those collections. For this milestone I filled out the mockup pages, such as Class List, Instructions, and the now deleted Mentors page that was mainly a tester to show that the collections worked.

For milestone three we shifted gears, working on pulling from our working collections, and designing an intuitive usable website. This milestone I implemented a working Class List page using a nested underscore function to pull from our collection, cleaned up the landing page, and worked on a various of bug issues.

The below JavaScript code was used to create the functionality of the menu on the ‘Classes Available’ page, as shown above. A page designed to help students find a mentor in their target class. This example code is of the nested underscore fucntion I used to _.filter out mentors who have the specified subject in their class feild and then _. map those mentors using their card component, MentorCard, onto the page.

                  mentor => 
                      (this.state.subject && (this.state.subject.includes((mentor.class)))),
                  (mentor, index) => 
                      <MentorCard key={index} mentor={mentor} />,

This was one of the largest projects I have worked on from the ground up and I have learned a lot about project management and features I can use on github. At first creating Issues was difficult for our group, we would assign easy task as a whole issue and large task with multiple parts as another issue, but by milestone two I had a much better sense of how to break up large tasks into reasonable sizes. That way everyone can regularly to check off progress for updates and moral boost.